Saturday, February 28, 2009

Recession in the eye ?

Have been looking at people from this time where the slowdown has taken its headway in Indian market perspectives.. Have been listening more and more views everyday from a lot of respective gentleman. I found a few professionals/business owners saying that this is "THE" time and they are bellowing about them facing the recession/slowdown "In the Eye".

Well the truth is few of these people are actually meaning what they say, the recession in the eye with investor's cash being thrown around here and there ? Where is the true value ? Where is the business ? What is the growth statistics ? oh yes you might have doubled your team strength but only at the stake of someone else's money ??

And there are other's who have quickly hidden in covers, found a job? Quit their mission ?

And then there are people who are silently building value, doing work, creating trust, quality and helping business grow in a lower cost model, and are the ones looking the slowdown in the eye ....

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