Friday, February 20, 2009

Awesome ness !!

Right !

Awesome ness !!

This can't get better than this. All my life I have been craving for a mission, mission to be so occupied, so growing every minute, so accurately directed towards goal, so possessive about gaining knowledge. Well this is a pleasure, to be in a startup. I mean I feel elated a level above. I can do everything so better every coming day. I see my mistakes of yesterday and improve them today and that's pretty fast.

I told this to my close friend in a discussion yesterday: " It may be a matter of success now but it won't be important in future or may be its the other way round that its not important now but one day it might be crucial to achieve it. But overall I am in a joyous happy mood that success may not be important at all but this spirit shall prevail.. I want to life all my life in the same spirit now. After brainstorming and critically analyzing myself I understood that may be this is all about this spirit and success has no material in it now or whenever. I was later suggested by somebody that may be this feeling of redefining the success and its importance for oneself every second are the signs of having achieved it already.

It has been said so many times .. once again i say.. yes it's the journey .. and it shall remain a journey forever...
may be there's no destination.

1 comment:

Vivek Hingorani said...

Nicely Written Ashish aka Poly:-)

After reading the article i feel that u have grown a lot as a person and have started on the journey to what you always wanted to achieve..

As a fan and a friend of Yours i am really happy on your Sucess..

Also you cant just count your success through materialistic things..

Keep Posting more

Vivek aka patakdi