Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Go Green. Learn Fast or die.

This Go green wave has been on mind from a long time now. Have been reading and spending effort on this new wave of go green around and trying to do something new here.

Just love my life for this, I have people around who learn and teach me. Anyway so just saw this strip of dilbert and whoa .. what an observation

was wondering is Scott a person who has this extreme experience of getting so bang on everyday on each new aspect of life. For there are so brilliant people around us who learn so much in a day that we can't even think of. This strip clearly indicates a sharp comment on the break throughs which I understood after two months of effort.

And thereafter, all the skill to put it in this strip, mind blowing Scott !

Can we challenge ourselves to learn faster everyday ? Yes we can, Our mind has to be attuned to it ! It's like a fantasy video game, unending levels, challenges, lots of tunnels of mario, lots of enemies of contra, in various modes. Take one, take more, take more and it never ends, So much for the youth to focus their brains to make sure that they learn everyday every hour, every min so fast ... It's a race. With Yourself. Biggest ONE. learn FAst or DIe.

I have been trying, but the biggest block is the people around as well. There are some who don't want to learn and make sure that you don't learn at all. Keep away all of you.

And yes .. it's .linked to going green soon, sooner than you think, else you ll die anyways.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Your jealousy is love.

You did not do what you wanted to, you did what others wanted you to do. So now if you see anyone passionate working on what he loves to, you like them. You adore them in the way the person follows his/her passion. But the way you express the admiration is jealousy, which is fine as it motivates.

You try to prove them wrong, you try to justify your approach, seek to find satisfaction in your approach, but deep inside your heart is the growing frustration that you are doing not enough that you should have been doing. Y destiny is not known and you are not doing anything to find it.

I know jealousy is the only way you know to express your love/admiration.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

This is not over, this has just began !

I see crowd celebrating and jubilation around ..hey hey hey ... hold on .. it is not the win .. it has just begin.. the war has began .. the fight has now begin.. can we get a good body out ? can we nail down all corrupt bastards.. until we nail each of them, AAG JALTI REHNI chahiye !! work and support till each $ from swiss accounts is back in india .. wait till you remove everyone from the top who's dirty.. this war was long overdue and IT has just began.. stop congratulating .. start ACTION ! don't pay bribes .. ask for bills, slap around who's corrupt. It has got to be a two way action !!

We need to make sure that the body is up to the mark, who can take action till it's done. Anna, we need you to fight this battle for us till it's done, RESPECT to you to spark it, but it's like 0.1% of the deal.

I want those intelligent guys celebrating here to come out and innovate to what can we do now to ensure the bill goes through and hunts down all of them, each and every one of them, who traded their conscience to be powerful, who traded public interests to achieve personal aspirations.

BILLS will come, BILLS will go... when do corrections start, how many of these are behind bars ?? Hang RAJA, Powar, or a few others with billions of $ of black money empire at public chowks and that's when we should celebrate... it's not the time to celebrate .. it's the time to vent out anger of each hard earned penny of every indian abused by this motherfuckin bastards.